Saturday 8 December 2018

Love Yourself

Love your neighbour as you love yourself. (Mathew 22:39) The key take away isn't the neighbour, it's  to love yourself. You only give out what you have, your selfworth, your  respect of self, your admiration of self irrespective of your shortfalls. Do you view yourself with hate and criticism and ignore all the good things about you?
Funny experiment. List the five people you admire the most,  make another list of people you respect the most. I'll give you sometime, do it!... Waiting...if you are done move to the next line.

 Chances are that you have not placed yourself in that list. Yet you are the most unique person I can think off, wired in a different way, your thumb print is unique to you, only you has the wealth of your experiences but when asked to make the lists above, you ignored the one person that really matters, you. Did you know that the reasons those people are on those lists is because they have traits that you admire about yourself? Did you know when you hate others it's s mirror of what you hate about yourself? The greatest cognitive biases in this world is how you perceive yourself. The energy you give out is based on how you perceive yourself, love begets love, respect begets respect, admiration begets admiration and the same applies for negative traits.
By love I mean an unconditional love. Same way a mother would look past her child's defects and always crown the child of love irrespective of any thing is the same way you should love yourself. To love others, love self. Learn from the past and at the same time forgive your mistakes. You are great, unique, you are a masterpiece, you deserved to be loved by the most important person in your life, YOU!
Experiment time!! List people that you love unconditionally! It can be your parents, your child etc etc. Do you love yourself the same way your love these guys? Did your name feature on the list? If yes, good job, you have been paying attention! If no, go to the next line (guys who answered yes can also go to the next line)
Now for our last experiment, go to a mirror, or open your selfie cam and and say this words, "I love you *insert your name here*."

1 comment:

  1. This is so inspiring. Keep it up!! Don't you even dare think of closing the blog... 💃💃
    Huyu ni Yule msee hajuangi words za hymns na wewe😂
